CV Carburettor


Carburettor is the most important device in fuel feeding spark ignition engines. It is attached between the fuel filter & the intake manifold. It supplies the air-fuel mixture of varying proportions to reach engine operating conditions.

CV carburettor - In the lower part of the carburettor we have the float bowl or chamber always topped off with fuel & thanks to the action of float & float valve as the fuel level drops the float opens the valve to raise it backup. In the upper part of the carburettor we have the jet needle,the vacuum piston or slide & the diaphragm. This assembly is kept in place by a spring. Then we have a butterfly valve controlled directly by the throttle cable & finally we have the pilot jet & the main jet both feeding the two fuel circuit inside the carburettor, last is fuel adjustment screw. 
A Basic Carburettor

How does it work - In the idle condition the fuel is sucked out of the fuel chamber through the pilot jet. It mixes with the air before going into the cylinder. The all process is powered by the low pressure vacuum that the piston created inside the cylinder. When we twist the throttle we directly affect the butterfly valve that opens up. Now pressure is also starting to affect the top vacuum chamber. The diaphragm is suction up & with it the slide & jet needle are raised. As the jet needle raised its tapered shape allows more & more fuel to be suction through the main jet at the same time the slide opens it allows the air proportionally to the quantity of fuel. Now when we pull the choke up the fuel straight go to the cylinder mix it with rich mixture for an easy start of the engine. let's get back to the idle condition to figure out the working of adjustment screw. By turning the screw we open & close the fuel passage, therefore, adjusting the ratio of fuel to the air in the idle condition. when we twist the throttle, the main jet doesn't start to the lever fuel right away, for the small amount of time the idle jet is the only source fuel to the engine which is why sending the mixture too lean or too rich we directly affect the responsiveness of the engine
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